Psychic predictions and phenomena can be traced back throughout time although professional
mediumship started in the mid-nineteen hundreds. Early mediumship was rather physical,
materialisation , table moving, rapping and dispirited voices. Over the years the fashion for this has changed and the mediumship we see today is practised, although there are still materialisation
and trance mediums working and this is fascinating for those lucky enough to witness.
Today mediums work by using their minds as receivers and relaying the information given to them to their sitters
Mediums work closely with their spirit guides; these are spirits who have evolved by their time in
spirit to a level where they watch over and guide their charge. We are all born with a spirit guide
and although some people will never know their guide they will still be helped and guided by them.
What we call gut instinct is spirit directing us in the right direction. How many times in your life
have you ignored your gut instinct only to regret it later? If you follow that instinct you will never go wrong, spirit help is always a good thing.
How does mediumship work?
If we accept that death is not the end, just the end of the body that housed our consciousness and
that our soul / spirit survives and exists somewhere else, then it must be possible to make
contact with that spirit and all the emotions and memories that made that person what they were here on the earth plane.
The world of spirit exists all around us, but just out of reach. They are just in a different dimension
to us. The spirit world works on a different vibration, some would say frequency, and mediums
attune to those frequencies just as those in the spirit realm attune to us. It is this joint effort that
enables good communication.
There are different ways a medium interprets the information sent to them, and not all mediums work the same way or have the same gifts.
Clairvoyance is the psychic ability of being able to see pictures, people, places, objects and
colours sent from the spirit world. It is a particular gift that allows mediums to describe those
they communicate with.
. Clairaudience is the gift of hearing spirit voices, remember though this is still an interpretation.They may for example hear a voice in one ear, but it is also possible to hear via thought, accents And tone
Clairsentience is the gift of sensing and feeling impressions of spirit, especially when relaying
to the medium how the spirit passed. This can be anything from chest pains to feeling a missing
limb, arthritis to cancer conditions. They can also detect the spirits personality and moods.
Clairoma is the gift of smell. Mediums can detect the smell of spirit, anything from cigarette smoke
to body odour. They can detect the smells of flowers and perfumes and in some cases can tell
you what a spirit did for a living by the smells they received
Trance mediumship works differently to any of the above skills. The communicating spirit uses
the mediums body to speak directly to the sitter. This can be in the spirits own voice or that of
the medium.
This gift is truly sent from God. The spirit materializes in front of the sitter; this can be very
dangerous to the health of the medium. The most famous Materialisation medium of our time
was Helen Duncan and she died as a direct result of disturbance during a sitting. Anybody
wishing to develop their psychic ability should make sure they find the right circle. To find a
good circle, go to your local Spiritualist Church and speak to the President or Leader. Not all
circles are right for everyone and if you are in a circle and do not feel completely comfortable
or safe, then find another.
Remember there is no time limit in your development. Some people sit in circles for years
before they receive clear communication and others develop at a faster rate. Be open to what
spirit wants from you, it may be that you wish to develop as a medium and spirit see you more
as a healer. Go with the path mapped out for you. It is amazing how, when you put your faith in
spirit more paths open up to you. When you fight it, your development will take longer, if it
develops at all.
Remember, what ever you do, enjoy your path, enjoy your work with spirit.