Spiritual Healing has been used by healers since the dawn of time and can be described as the healing of the mind, body, and spirit by means of prayer, meditation and the laying on of hands. This healing can be affected by contact with a patient or by means of absent, remote, or distant. healing. The healer attunes him/herself as a channel for higher energy, which activates the self-healing power of the patient at all relevant levels of their being. All Spiritual Healers endeavour to provide relief from pain and suffering whether of the mind, body, or soul, to promote the patients. well-being and encourage self-healing capability.
Healing is non-invasive and as such is a perfectly safe treatment for all conditions of ill health. Healers do not promise a cure and do not diagnose, we are confident however that benefit will usually be received by most patients. Healing is often used to supplement other forms of treatment the patient may be receiving from a General Practitioner or Hospital. Some Gps have healers within their own surgeries. Our healers will always encourage patients to follow or continue treatment recommended by their medical practitioner. When a patient is referred to a healer by a doctor, the doctor remains responsible for the patient.
Healing can help to eliminate pain, to reduce stress and anxiety. Spiritual Healing is also given to. animals of all kinds and in general they respond well; Healers will often say they are better. patients than human beings!.
There are no known side effects; however, there is very often feeling of wellbeing experienced. during and after treatment and it is well known that many people experience warmth from the hand on healer, yet on occasions a healer’s hands can radiate a cold, but not unpleasant effect. A gentle tingling is often reported by the patient.
Most healers work in small groups at a Healing Centre or Clinic, while others work from home.
at specified times. When necessary, healers are prepared to visit patients in a Hospice or Hospital or even in their own homes. In general, healers do not charge for their service, but are. happy to receive a donation to cover their costs or for their favourite charity. Some healers work. professionally and charge a fee.
We at The Lighthouse offer Healing after each service and will be pleased to welcome you. Come along and try it, you have nothing to lose!