What to expect when you come to a Spiritualist Church.
Spiritualist Churches or Centres will make you feel very welcome.
An evening at a spiritualist church or centre will include a demonstration of mediumship; often,
the opportunity for healing will follow the evening of mediumship for those that request it.
Their are many mediums that will visit The Lighthouse, all are very experienced and work in their
own way, either Clairvoyantly, Clairaudient amongst others, or a mixture of them all. We have a
bit on our web site that explains the different ways that mediums receive messages from spirit.
Once the evening is opened by the Chair Person, the medium will start their demonstration of
mediumship to a small audience.
What is a demonstion of Mediumship
The medium is a channel or link between those in the audience and their loved ones that have
passed to spirit. The medium will feel impelled to speak to you or someone else in the
congregation and will often describe the person they have with them; describing their
maybe when they were younger or shortly before they passed; what they passed with,
sometimes names and addresses! Through this the medium is ‘Demonstrating’ that there is
indeed life beyond death. It is something that cannot be explained but experienced.
Often, your loved ones will communicate with you through the medium to show that they are
still around you, that they are thinking of you, it may be an anniversary, or you may be going
through a difficult time, they show they understand how you feel and often, that they are with
you through this. Conversely they may want to share in your joy or just want to make them
selves remembered to you. Very often, your loved ones will also give you some guidance in
an aspect of your life that is needed at that time.
It is a lovely feeling to know that you are being looked after.
What do I do if a medium comes to me?
Be honest. Talk to the medium. Be clear and hearImagine you are talking to your loved ones on a telephone - if your loved one on the other endcouldn’t hear you because you were nodding your head they would think you were no there and
would slip away. That is what happens if you don’t talk to the medium. Talking to the medium
clearly, strengthens their link with spirit.
Also - if you cannot accept any of the messages received then it helps the medium if you tell him
or her this. They will not think you are impolite; in fact they welcome the opportunity to ask your
loved ones in spirit to clarify their message. The last thing a medium wants is to give a message
that is not quite clear or correct.
Receiving a message from spirit is a wonderful experience. We hope that you will join us at The
Lighthouse to share this.